Our Karitane® Professionals are essentially qualified, experienced baby whisperers and super nannies rolled into one! They are experts in newborns and all children under two years’ old but work miracles with toddlers as well.
“Just having the Karitane nurse come to my home and tell me that I was doing a great job was great, but the tips and advice she gave me about winding and settling my daughter were invaluable.”
We have both Karitane nurses and maternity nannies who can come into your home and offer you practical advice and support on everything from feeding, settling, establishing a routine, lactation, weaning and bathing to coping with a toddler and a newborn, postnatal depression, twins, premature babies and postnatal care of the mother.
Our Karitane® Professionals are responsible equally for both the newborn baby and postnatal mother. They are not working in any medical capacity but are suitably experienced and qualified to aid and advise new parents with their newborn.
All of our Karitane® Professionals are trained and are very experienced with young babies. Karitane nurses were trained in New Zealand and have over 25 years of hands-on experience with babies and commonsense mother care. Our maternity nannies are usually overseas trained (either as Mothercraft nurses in Australia or as maternity nurses/nannies in the United Kingdom) and also have loads of practical experience in mothercraft.
Our Karitane® Professionals come into your home for a minimum of four hours a day or a minimum of eight hours a night. They can even live in with you, on-call 24 hours a day, six days a week for up to 12 weeks.
“Some people have a baby arrive and have never looked after or bathed one in their life. It can be very daunting for them. I always feel it is a real privilege to be invited into their homes to share their children with them”
All our Karitane® Professionals are passionate about babies and mothers and are kind, trustworthy individuals who you can rely on with confidence. When one of our Karitane® Professionals leaves your home you will have the skills and knowledge to be coping confidently with your new baby.
Call Karitane® now on 0800 222 121 to have a Karitane® Professional help you and your family.