Job Number: #110 Grafton

City: Auckland

Suburb: Grafton

Days/Hours Required

Full time Monday to Friday with a start time of 6.30am and a finish time would be between 4.30am-7pm

Start Date



11 month old Boy

Job Description:

This family is seeking a full-time nanny to care for their 11-month-old starting in August 2025. Both parents work full-time as Doctors at Auckland City Hospital and require a nanny with flexibility for early starts (6:30 AM) and variable end times (4:30–7:00 PM). The family is relocating to Auckland in July and will be living in the Grafton area. Hours are negotiable, and they are open to having two nannies if required. Let us know hours you would be interested in!

If you would like to apply for this job, please fill in the form below and we will be in contact.

Application form